Dr. Simon Hercules Neurosurgeon Wiki, Profile, Family Details and Unknown FactsDr. Simon Hercules Neurosurgeon Wiki, Profile, Family Details and Unknown Facts

Dr. Simon Hercules is a Neurosurgeon who is a notable individual in the worldwide boards of specialists and he kicked the bucket because of Coronavirus on Sunday nineteenth April 2020. He kicked the bucket at 55 years old and there was a tremendous discussion in covering his body as many individuals went against covering his body in cemetery as he was a Coronavirus patient. Dr Simon was going through treatment for COVID at Apollo, Vanagaram, Chennai. Neuro specialist Dr. Simon Hercules, 55, who was likewise the Managing Director of New Hope Hospital, PH Road, Chennai, passed on of COVID-19 on Sunday evening. His girl is additionally certain for the sickness.

Dr. Simon Hercules Wiki, Bio and Family Details

  • Dr. Hercules did his MBBS from University Of Madras, India.
  • Dr. Hercules went on to do MCh – Neuro Surgery from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.
  • Dr. Hercules is survived by his son, daughter and wife
  • Date of Birth – 1965

Dr. Simon Hercules Unknown Facts

Dr. Beela Rajesh health secretary saluted to Dr. Simon’s work

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